Friday, September 16, 2022

World Wide Woozle episode #583

Hello again all you radio fans!

So, what have I been listening to since we were last together? Podcasts. It took me a while but I've finally found a couple that don't make me unbelievably irritated. I'm amazed at the drivel that is produced but more at the complete lack of attention to production values. Not everyone has a recording studio to use but seriously, making sure that you can actually hear all of the participants should be pretty basic. I listened to one where the host sounded like he was shouting and the person being interviewed was a million miles away. It was very frustrating.

Jason Isbell and the 400 Unit - Can't You Hear Me Knocking? (live Rolling Stones cover) -

I've found that the Conversations series, which comes via ABC, is usually pretty good. I listened to a fascinating episode with a young woman who had set the world record for sailing solo around Antarctica. And another about an Australian doctor who trained in Ireland in the early seventies. There's some good stuff out there but you have to take a deep breath and wade through a sea of very average content.

KISS played in Australia recently and I had a few friends who went along. None of them reported that the miming of some songs caused any issues in terms of the whole experience and that's a relief. KISS have always been about putting on a great show and if Paul, who is 70, needs some help to keep singing then I'm ok with that.

KISS – Sure Know Something (live with the MSO) -

Maggie Baugh is an American multi-instrumentalist and up and coming country music star. I'm not sure yet that I'm sold on her particular brand of country but what I like is her genuine enthusiasm shown whilst interacting with her fans and also playing. Maggie has a new single recently released and here it is.

Maggie Baugh – Story To Tell -

The Beatles' album, Revolver, is about to be re-released in super deluxe format with demo version, a book and a whole lot more. Unlike some of the other reissues there is no 5.1 surround mix it seems. That's a bit sad. Still, my favourite part of most of these releases is listening to the demo and early versions of tracks. It's just interesting to see how the songs we know so well started out and came into being.

The Beatles – Taxman (2022 mix) –

The HU have a new album out too for all you fans of heavy metal Mongolian throat singing. It's an interesting combination to be sure but one that works so well.

The HU – Bii Biyelgee -

I've used the spare time to do a lot more reading, to continue to get organised in terms of food as well as being back in the office and for a spot of meditation and deep thinking. I'm almost finished reading Boy Swallows Universe which took me a little while to get into but when I was hooked I was all in. I've got an Umberto Eco collection of short works to get to next. And a huge thanks to those that supported me in the read-a-thon supporting Legacy. I was happy just with the $ that I donated myself so the extras are a real bonus.

My boss put me onto the next band and I'm very thankful. It's so cool when new music comes from an unexpected source!  Although they no longer exist, Children of Bodom have a huge back catalogue to go through and I think most metal fans would either already know the band or appreciate their stuff. The mix of very heavy guitars and drums with almost 80s synth lines at times is cool. And Alex Laiho is a true guitar monster.

Children of Bodom - Platitudes and Barren Words -

This week I made the decision to have a bit of a Facebook detox. Even after only a few days I can really notice the difference. Seriously, all that scrolling and reading what other people think and are doing is tiring and in my case it was starting to make me irritable in a way I didn't like. Maybe I'm now gloriously unaware of what some of you had for dinner or think about the Queen but sometimes too much information is indeed, too much. To be honest, after almost a week I feel so much better and I'm seriously considering opting out of Facebook forever. So if you're reading this via a Facebook link then maybe drop me your email address if you would like to receive future episodes.

ABBA – On And On And On And On (live 1981) - 

And I'm going to play this song last because I was reminded of it this week (thanks Sarah). Another band that is a lot of fun and shouldn't always be taken too seriously.

Blink 182 – The Rock Show –

Rock on everyone,

The Woozle

"Bought me a box of French cigars
Bought me a black beret
Get my French from a girl next door
Teaching me night and day..."
The Angels, Marseilles, 1978.

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