Sunday, May 15, 2022

World Wide Woozle episode #568

Hi everyone and thanks for tuning in. This episode is a bit shorter and all music. Either I'm ultra-focussed or I think you all need a break from my constant rambling!

I want to pose a question to you. Is there an album you like that you think is more than just a collection of songs? Does it flow? Is every track a killer (and is there no filler)? Let me know. The reason I ask is that the Rolling Stones' Exile On Mainstreet is having a significant birthday. I mentioned to a couple of mates that I really don't think the Stones have ever released an album that is amazing. They have great songs but, as an album experience I don't ever feel it from them. Bing then asked me what albums met that criteria for me...and away we went with DJ GreySeal adding awesome ideas too. And before you reply; everyone mentions Dark Side of the Moon. We get it and we agree. Anything else? This track is from an album called Retriever by Ron Sexsmith and it's tip top!

Ron Sexsmith - For The Driver -

One album that was recommended by both Bing and DJ GreySeal was Marillion's Misplaced Childhood. I remember that my introduction to the band was on account of Neil from The Young Ones talking about them. After that I heard a local band, Harlequin, play some of their songs. I'll do some more listening this week but if you like progressive rock, folk music or you're an old hippie then "trip the light fantastic" and get into Marillion.

Marillion - Heart of Lothian -

Transvision Vamp have released a compilation of A sides, B sides and rarities. To be honest, with only nine tracks and at around thirty seven minutes it's a bit of a let down. This is sad because they were a fantastic band and they rocked pretty hard live. I think the Queanbeyan Leagues Club is still recovering. This one is a release for fans only. 

Transvision Vamp - The Only One -

In recent years I've become quite a fan of the legendary New Zealand band, The Mutton Birds. They are one of those groups that could play and sing the phone book and I'd listen. I did enjoy this cover version of one of their classics, Dominion Road, that DJ SamDetective sent to me. Very cool indeed to see the song's author and original singer, Don McGlashan, in the video!

DARTZ - Dominion Road (Dumpling House) -

Finally, an independent artist who has been releasing great music for quite a while now from her home in Bristol, England. I first listened to Laura's music when she recorded under the moniker, She Makes War. These days her project is called Penfriend. I'm not all that sure how to classify it. There's electronic beats, guitars, ukuleles and a whole lot more. Buy some of her music and/or artwork here or check out a ton of stuff including livestreamed gigs on her YouTube channel

Penfriend - Exotic Monsters - 

We're off to see Spy vs. Spy tonight along with DJ SAB. I can't wait! Expect to hear more about the gig next time.

Spy vs. Spy - Sallie Anne -

If you're looking for a great radio show then go no further than Iain Anderson's programme on BBC Scotland. You can stream it here and there are a couple of episodes a week full of great songwriters from a range of musical genres. This week includes a feature on Tom Paxton. You'll know about Tom if you've been reading this blog for a while!! Thanks to Karen for putting me onto Iain's amazing programme!

Tom Paxton - The Last Thing On My Mind (live) -

Before I sign off, for those of you in Australia; vote early and then you can ignore the media. You'll thank me. 

Bye for now, 
The Woozle 

"I wanna be a star and buy a hundred guitars, eat everything I can bite..." Motorhead, Angel City, 1991.

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