Tuesday, March 10, 2015


People are always saying, "first world problems", but guess what? They're still problems.

Last week my FWPs threatened to get the better of me.

Firstly, Alison was (and still is) in the hospital having had a full knee replacement. Totally not normal for someone in their 40s. It made me sad on many levels. Seeing someone you love in pain is hard work. Also, being alone is hard work if you're not used to it. Angus and I have a very different life at the moment with the population of the household suddenly cut by 50% (remember that Zoe is living overseas).

Just to make things even better Angus got a stinker of a cold and generously passed it on to me. I think I had about four days of feeling like death warmed up. It was a man flu that had bulked up before hitting us both. You know I was sick when I had a day off work and then the next day had to cancel some cycling because of the pressure in my head.

We won't even talk about the health insurance debacle.

Yesterday, the Monday of a long weekend, I started to feel better. I managed to get out on my bike with a good friend for a decent ride. That's always a good start. I'm much better in so many ways when I'm riding regularly. Then I managed two visits to see Alison in between all that boring stuff that needed doing at home. Not to mention shuttling Angus to and from work.

This morning I slept in. Until 6:06am. It might seem like nothing but I rarely sleep beyond 6am, especially when I've got a longer ride planned before work. This morning I just went with the flow. I still got 35km done. The best thing was that it was a perfect Canberra morning. No wind, not cold, bright sunshine, hot air balloons everywhere. It was a brilliant commute.

I really feel as if at every step recently life just punches me in the guts. I'm still punching back.


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