Monday, October 31, 2022

World Wide Woozle gig review - The Sisters of Mercy 30 Oct 2022

The Sisters of Mercy, who haven't released new music since 1990, drew a large and diverse crowd to the Enmore Theatre on Sunday night. The Enmore is a great venue with a large standing area downstairs as well as balcony seating. In that configuration the capacity is 2500. It probably wasn't packed out but it wasn't far off. Here's a very quick review.

The support band, Elko Fields, are a noisy two piece from Brisbane. It's drums, guitar and vocals with a twist and it's that the sound is massive. Both members sing and the guitar sound is split to a bass amp and a guitar amp along with the use of fuzz and an octave pedal (I assume) to fill out the bottom end. If you saw King of the North play in the past then this is a similar setup. The music rocks hard and definitely has a groove. If riff rock such as Led Zeppelin, Jet, Stonefield, Soundgarden or Rage Against The Machine is what you enjoy then you wouldn't have been disappointed. I liked them so much that I put my money down for both of their EPs.

Elko Fields - Cough It Up -

The Sisters of Mercy blessed us with twenty three songs. I'm not a massive fan of the band but I certainly knew a lot of the tracks played and thoroughly enjoyed the experience. The sound was big and loud but not insane. I still wore earplugs because, well, I value my hearing. The mix was muddy to start and while this did improve the vocals were, at times, far too quiet. I had little doubt that they'd play my favourite song, Alice, and they did. The big bonus for us was that they played a newish song that had never been played at a concert before. It was called On The Beach and got a good reception. The crowd included senior citizens in what looked like gardening clothes, Goths that had gone to amazing efforts with their outfits and old blokes in jeans and black t-shirts like me! It was a decent age spread too. I think the guy pressing play and stop on the drum machine has the best job! The setlist is here if you would like a look.

The Sisters of Mercy - More -

A huge thanks to my good friends Scot and Rod for taking me along and making the experience very memorable.

Oh, The Sisters of Mercy insist that they are NOT a goth band. Last night they were loud, heavy and they rocked hard. 

The Woozle

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