Sunday, November 6, 2022

World Wide Woozle episode #589

Welcome back to the blog that rocks, the blog that never stops. And where I throw in lines, lyrics and other bits and pieces from random songs to see if anyone notices. That one was easy! 

The Muppets - We Built This City -

Do you have favourite albums? And I don't just mean ABBA's Greatest Hits Volume 2, I mean a full album where you know every word? Lots of us who were around before streaming will remember that albums were expensive and so you simply didn't have that many. I remember having about twenty cassettes that were almost my most prized possessions. Among them were a couple that I can still remember almost every word. Redgum's live album, Caught In The Act (1983) is seventy minutes long and I must admit that I could probably not only sing along to all but one of the songs, but I can also recite all of the in-between song talking. As well as listening to it non-stop for years, it was one of only a couple of cassettes we had on a trip across the Simpson Desert back in 2000. So, watch out for obvious, and not so obvious quotes from this and elsewhere because I can't help my super fab and groovy self.

Redgum - The Last Frontier (live) -

DJ SAB, DJ RealRodStewart and I went to Sydney last weekend to see The Sisters of Mercy. It was a ripper of a gig and an awesome weekend away. I needed it for sure. There's a review of the show that I wrote here. The support band, Elko Fields, were too cool as well. Check them out through the link in the review. The next gig I'll get to see is Goanna later in the week.

The Sisters of Mercy - First And Last And Always -

I've been subscribing to what feels like a million emails a week from the Pitchfork website for a while now. They generally publish well thought out and informed reviews of a wide range of music. I do take issue with one particular email that they send with the best 10 new albums or something like that. Most of the one paragraph reviews give you no idea whatsoever about what type of music they are talking about and that's annoying. Pitchfork did point me to the next band though and that's unusual because their hard rock and metal offerings are thin on the ground. Worm are a band from Florida somewhere and their music is both brutal and beautiful. I liked this newly released EP so much that I have just ordered it on CD. It's coming from Portugal of all places. From what I've heard so far I know that this isn't going to appeal to everyone and that's just fine. But if you like your heavy metal to be very heavy, slow and sludgy but with guitar solos that are beautiful and a soundscape that is almost astral then spin this.

Worm - Bluenothing -

I've had conversations with a few people recently about how I had the impression that lots of Bruce Springsteen songs are written on a piano. The chords, structure and the way they are put together just aren't the way that a lot of guitar players would naturally play. It's not a bad thing at all. This week I caught this version of Bruce playing a classic but also talking about the way that most of the Born To Run LP was written on his Grandmother's piano. For once, I got something right!

Bruce Springsteen - Thunder Road and interview (Howard Stern show) -

Scottish band Del Amitri will be in Australia next year. They're playing in Sydney on the 28th of February at The Enmore. I think that they are a great band and have so much more to offer than the couple of hit singles that lots of people remember. There's some seriously cool guitar work going on in loads of their songs and Justin's voice is as strong as it always was. Does anyone else out there like them? I'm considering going to the show but the truth is I'd really rather not go alone. Check this track out for the smooth vocals, tasty electric piano and fat bass all wrapped up in guitars that move and twist.

Del Amitri - Just Like A Man -

I saw a post on Instagram this week that said, "I wish I could go back 6 years and sort my life out". That hit me hard. And along with some other comments that I received during the week I ended up in a bit of a funk. I really needed to process this and so I did it in the best way I know. I rode my bike up some hills, did some yoga and went for a long walk in the bush. That was pretty good. But I also spoke about it with a couple of people about it, both directly and indirectly. Sometimes I feel as if this recovery journey is never ending, and maybe that's true. But I've gone from having a few good days here and there, to having more good days than bad, to being generally pretty happy and that's cool. Last night I was dog sitting Fitz and Gertie and they both hogged the bed but I felt the love for sure. Although I rarely have trouble with sleep, having two pooches snuggled up to me meant that I had the deepest sleep I've had in such a long time. 

Green Day - Boulevard of Broken Dreams -

Finally, did you all see that Taylor Swift has all ten songs at the moment in the US Billboard Charts? That's a pretty amazing effort. Her new album, Midnights, is well worth a listen. It's easy, and lazy, to lump Taylor in with a whole lot of other pop stars. Have a look at how much of her music is written and performed by her and not a corporate machine. 

Taylor Swift - Bejeweled -

That's it. I've got dogs here needing more love!

The Woozle

"...out of the night and into the light"
Saxon, Back On The Streets, 1985.

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