Friday, October 14, 2022

World Wide Woozle - gig review - Don McGlashan 13 Oct 2022

Well known New Zealand singer/songwriter Don McGlashan played in Canberra at Smith's Alternative last night. I went along because my brother is a big fan and had let me know about the show. I was really only aware of a few songs by one of Don's previous bands, The Mutton Birds, although I'd had a quick listen to his more recent stuff over the previous few days.

I will admit that I was intensely uncomfortable being there alone and almost bailed a couple of times before the whole thing started. I'm pretty sure almost everyone there apart from me and one or two others were expat Kiwis judging by the accents and conversation and that helped to amuse and distract me. It's all good in a big venue like a theatre or a cinema but in a small room I felt very alone. To top it off, whilst I was waiting outside, two women asked if the seats beside me were spare and did I not have any friends. I know what they meant and it was lighthearted but in my state of mind it didn't help.

Smith's Alternative is an interesting venue. I think the room limit is about 75 people so I knew it was always going to be an intimate show. And the fact that doors didn't open until 9:30pm on a Thursday night may have been a limiting factor as well. In the end I think there may have been about 50 people in the room. There are old lounges off to one side and a selection of old kitchen chairs elsewhere. To be honest, it's really not all that comfortable but for old blokes like me it beats standing. The room has a good feel though and I'd certainly like to get on the small stage and bash out a few tunes.

The support act, also from New Zealand, began at about 10pm. MOTTE (Anita Clark) is a solo artist playing violin, singing and creating soundscapes with various loopers and effects. She spent her time making noise on the violin, fiddling with the looper pedals and delays and I think the audience were initially stunned. When I tuned in to the fact that she was building layers of soundscapes it was ok but I felt that it was a difficult listen for many. MOTTE had an amazing singing voice and I will have a listen to some of her stuff in the next few days. I guess it was just a bit unexpected. Should've done my research. She also played violin, mandolin and sang backing vocals for Don.

MOTTE - Plateau -

Don started at about 2240 so it was a late night. He played guitar and French (or maybe tenor) horn with a looper (I really must get one of those) and a keyboard. The majority of tracks were from his latest album and they were cool. I like the stories behind songs and Don has a dry sense of humour. Nothing On The Windows is made up of lyrics from sticky notes you might leave on the fridge. Shackleton came about after Don spent a one week residency in Antarctica. 

Don McGlashan - Nothing On The Windows -

Don McGlashan - Shackleton -

Don often sings about everyday things and the delivery and the way he phrases things just reminded me so much of New Zealand. He also related how he's been involved in the Waiata project and the joy of having one of his songs translated into Te Reo Māori . He then proceeded to sing it that way and that was a sublime moment. 

Hollie Smith / Don McGlashan – Bathe in the River / Kōrukutia -

Don also played one song from his first band, Blam Blam Blam, and of course quite a few Mutton Birds tracks. He sadly didn't play Wellington which is a song that means a lot to me.

The Mutton Birds - A Thing Well Made (live) -

There were CDs and LPs for sales afterwards but only for cash. Amazingly I had $20 in my jacket pocket so I grabbed a CD although I would've loved the LP. Don signed it and I told him I'd come because of my brother's recommendation. That gave him a big smile and he asked if I knew the new music. I admitted I was only really familiar with Mutton Birds but that the gig had been a real treat. He seemed up for a chat but I was pretty much at the front of the line to see him so I scarpered.

Don McGlashan - Lucky Stars (live) -

Overall, the ticket price was the best $30 I've spent in ages. I can't imagine a small tour like this makes anything but a financial loss though so I'm very grateful that Don came to Canberra. Going by myself was also a kick in the guts not to stay at home when no one else is interested or available to come to a show. But next time I'm taking a book or something to write in to pass the time beforehand!

Don McGlashan - Start Again -

The Woozle

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