Tuesday, August 10, 2021

World Wide Woozle episode #551

Hello there, all you radio fans. It's time for some music.

The deluxe reissues of the classic Queensrÿche albums, Empire and Operation: Mindcrime have arrived. The packaging and accompanying booklets are high quality and reflect the fact that the band (and probably their record company) have taken care in getting this right. The DVDs (no BluRay available) showcase a wide range of stuff including live performances, promo clips and alternate versions of these, interviews and other bits and pieces. They were fun to watch although, predictably due to the age of some of the source material, the sound quality varied. The CDs of the albums sound fantastic and I've played them loud. To be honest, these weren't all that expensive in comparison to many other boxsets and with the quality of the inclusions I'm very happy with them. What a great band and a fantastic two albums.

Queensryche - Eyes Of A Stranger - https://youtu.be/A4duZjxusGM

Billy Bragg has a new album coming in early October. It's called The Million Things That Never Happened. Here's one of the tracks from it....sounds pretty good to me but then I'm a little biased!

Billy Bragg - Ten Mysterious Photos That Can't Be Explained - https://youtu.be/-n794uMfCJwQR

DJ K put me onto the next tune. It's got a great beat and I just love the sound of Keb Mo's voice. It combines well with Roseanne Cash and the lyrics mean something. Play it a few times will you?

Keb Mo with Roseanne Cash - Put A Woman In Charge - https://youtu.be/FciQeRGYFlw

I've spent time listening to Tom Waits in the last couple of weeks. He's got such an extensive and eclectic catalogue that it means there's always something a bit different to listen to. The man must gargle motorbike chains...

Tom Waits - Take One Last Look - https://youtu.be/PEi5b6nUQQs

Here's a band I've never heard of doing an absolute ripper of a cover of a Loverboy tune. Wow! The pandemic may suck in so many ways but the proliferation of artists producing high quality content (both originals and covers) in this format is pretty cool.

Candlebox - Turn Me Loose - https://youtu.be/k8QW_db2uWI

It's been a while since I played some Elvis. As a kid I was fascinated with the King for many reasons including the '68 Comeback Special look that he had with the leather jacket and the sideburns! I remember getting a double LP of Elvis' hits when I was younger and loving it. I still do. There are so many people called Rob in the world that when I'm ordering at a cafe I usually give Elvis as my name. It usually gets a funny look and I work hard to keep a straight face!

Elvis Presley - Jailhouse Rock (live '68 comeback special) - https://youtu.be/xqBdTn3_0Rw

Last week I had a chat with my good mate DJ KayDee about songs that we like but, for one reason or another, would find it hard to sing. This is one of those songs. Del Amitri are an amazing band (from Scotland). Their albums and songs often sound deceptively simple until you have a close listen to what's going on. This is the opening track from their third album and also the reason that I experimented with alternate guitar tunings. But it's about being unfaithful and whilst the song is beautiful I reckon I'd have trouble singing it. I know that you can sing from someone else's perspective but sometimes that's a bridge too far. Still, it's a great song.

Del Amitri - Be My Downfall (live) - https://youtu.be/jkrIwqnTxf8

Get your vaccination...stay at home...cook good food...rock on,

The Woozle

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