Monday, September 7, 2020

World Wide Woozle episode #525

OK, I have to admit it. I overdid things over the weekend and made myself unwell. Or it was a coincidence. Regardless, I ended up pretty run down and, in my usual fashion, I made it worse by thinking that fresh air and exercise would fix the problem. It didn't. Monday off work and mostly in bed has done the trick!

D.A.D. - Sleeping My Day Away -

I just love the twangy surf guitar mixed up with hard rock in the above track. The whole album, No Fuel Left For The Pilgrims, is fantastic. The bass player has a two string bass and a helmet that explodes!

On Friday I went along to play guitar at an open mic night. The plan was to backup one of my friends who was singing a few songs. That was a lot of fun and even though we hadn't had a rehearsal it sounded OK. Later on I was encouraged to have a go by myself. I've never been shy at talking in public or about playing my guitar but singing is a completely different thing. But I was there, I was plugged in and I really had no choice so off I went. One song....not bad...people clapped and they recognised the tune so that wasn't a disaster. Then another that I knew no-one would know...seemed to go down well. And then when I thought that was it they said I should do another. I ripped out an original that I wrote many years ago. I don't think I've ever sung it other than to myself. Well, I wasn't thrown out and no-one's ears were bleeding so I might go again next  month. For those interested, I played No Secrets (by The Angels), The Beaches of St Valery (Battlefield Band) and Another Day (by me).

Some of you have already heard about my version of The Beaches of St. Valery. For those who came in late, I heard about St. Valery earlier in the year and what happened there during WWII. Then I realised that Battlefield Band had a song about it which is fantastic. Last week my Dad sent me a CD recorded by a friend of his and the song was on there as well! I took this as a sign and decided to record a version just to send back to my Dad. Well, it turned out OK so I shared it around. It's a sad song and I was a bit shocked at how emotional I got when trying to sing it the first few times. But the version you'll hear if you're interested took about four hours to record so I got used to it! See what you think. Oh, and the original is here.

Rob - The Beaches of St. Valery -

On Saturday, feeling a little drained I slept in then went for a walk around the lake. Because I had signed up to it I went along to the first of four sessions of an introduction to indoor rowing. I liked the idea of trying something new and some of the coaches are people I already news so off I went. Spent would be a fair description of how I felt afterwards. Still, it was fun and I'll go back next week.

Soundgarden - Rowing (live) -

On Sunday I felt dreadful. The sun was out though and I live beside a big hill. You guessed it, off I went up the hill. Not for a stroll either, as the hill got steeper I pushed harder. It felt good until I got home. By bedtime I was well and truly tired out. Being that tired out meant that my stomach decided that it would misbehave. As a result I took today (Monday) off work. How very annoying. I'm all good now but it's a lesson I never seem to learn.

The Staple Singers - Respect Yourself -

The Rolling Stones have just released their 1973 album Goat's Head Soup for the fifth time. Surely if you turn up at the record store with your original copy you can at least get a discount. Good for fans I guess. In more disturbing news is the fact that Powderfinger is releasing some unheard material. The good news is that they found 50 tracks they'd never released and they are only subjecting the public to 10 of them. They've also declined to play at the AFL Grand Final which is a relief.

Bryan Adams - Kids Wanna Rock (live) -

Lastly this week here's some Steve Earle with The Pogues (watch some footage of them recording it here). I'm open to suggestions of songs I could do for the next open mic night and this is one I'm considering.

Steve Earle & The Pogues - Johnny Come Lately -

Rock on folks, and don't be like me....have a rest before you need it!


"Went from end to end to end
And then from there I went again
The road that only this one knows
Off to nowhere here I go...", Illumination, Rollins Band, 2000.

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