Saturday, May 9, 2020

World Wide Woozle episode #508

Last time here on the World Wide Woozle I wrote about some albums that had greatly influenced my musical taste. I still had one left to reveal though. Some people were quite surprised by this choice and probably just as many people had an idea that it might be this one. In 1988 The Proclaimers released Sunshine on Leith and it made a huge impact on me. Other than the well known singles, it's an album full of soul, blues, folk and a couple of the tastiest Telecaster lead breaks ever committed to vinyl. I liked that Charlie and Craig Reid sang in their regular Scots accents (as they continue to do to this day) and that there was a dash of humour in many of the songs. Whilst I enjoyed the album a lot, it's as important to me as a body of work as it is for where it lead me over time. Almost at the same time as I was listening to new albums I got in 1988 (including AC/DC's Blow Up Your Video, Jimmy Barnes' Freight Train Heart and Stryper's In God We Trust) I spotted a cassette by a band called The Pogues. Had I not been looking for another album by The Proclaimers then I wouldn't have seen this one. The combination of Sunshine on Leith and If I Should Fall From Grace With God allowed my love of music to continue to broaden. The Proclaimers also led me to Steve Earle many years later and oh my goodness, wasn't that a revelation! So, listen to these two tracks with an open mind. The Proclaimers are a national treasure in Scotland and their famous single sometimes does them a disservice.

The Proclaimers - Sunshine on Leith -

The Proclaimers - Angry Cyclist -

I read this week that a film has been released about the life and times of bass playing superstar Suzi Quatro. Produced by two Australian filmmakers the whole thing took about four years to put together. I'll admit that my first exposure to Suzi was when she starred as Leather Tuscadero on the TV show, Happy Days. I'll report back on the movie once I've tracked it down.

Suzi Quatro - 48 Crash -

It was an interesting week in terms of studying. I received my worst mark for a university assignment since 1989. I must admit that it was a bit hard to deal with but in the end, it is what it is. I'll move on to the next piece and although I put plenty of time and effort into what turned out to be rather average, I'm not giving up. It's just a bit galling to be really enjoying a subject, doing all the work and then scraping a bare pass. I've had plenty of kind people reassuring me that these things happen and I know that is true. Let's see how the next one turns out!

Paul Kelly and Dan Kelly - Dumb Things (live on a tram) -

Since I don't like to sit still too long I've just started doing a qualification in mental health peer work as well. This one is funded by my employer and I get to study in work time so that's an excellent deal. To borrow a line from my good mate Todd; one in five people experience a mental health problem in their lifetime so you're safe if you're one of the four people sitting near to me ha ha!

Jason Isbell - Anxiety (live, solo, acoustic) -

I'm slowly reading a book about the English bass player, Guy Pratt. The cover says that it's, "wonderfully indiscreet' and that's a fair call. Guy played bass with Icehouse, Pink Floyd, Gary Moore, Madonna and Iggy Pop to name a few. I'll comment more about the book at a later date but it did prompt me to go back and listen to some older Icehouse tunes. Great stuff!

Icehouse - Stay Close Tonight (live 1984) -

It's easy to get a bit blasé with the number of tributes to essential workers. I like to think that they are heartfelt and as the father of one of those workers I sometimes get a bit emotional. I saw some Instagram footage of people in London clapping as Zoë's ambulance drove by and that's special. So, here are just a couple of tracks for you. If you don't like them then maybe this is that one time to keep it to yourself ok?

Puddles Pity Party - Bridge Over Troubled Waters -

Queen and Adam Lambert - You Are The Champions -

That'll do folks. Be kind to one another.


"...right here, right now, watching the World wake up to history..". Right Here Right Now, Jesus Jones, 1990.

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