Thursday, February 9, 2023

World Wide Woozle episode #596

Hi everyone,

Nothing but tunes this week. I've had a lot of time on the bike to think about these...2000km so far this year. "Sweet as Donny!"

The percussion in the introduction to this song always makes me stop and take notice. I also remember picking out the initial chords (they are very simple) before I had an electric guitar and being quite impressed with myself! It's one of those songs that is overplayed on commercial radio but that has zero effect on me these days.
Lou Gramm - Midnight Blue -

The next track was a big hit but at a time before I was really paying much attention. I walked to work listening to a podcast about Australian music in the 70s. This song came up in the conversation as one that producer Mark Opitz was especially happy with. I particularly like a couple of things about the track. The first is the keyboard sound at the start. It's got a chime type sound that just appeals to me and gives the song almost the feeling that it's in a church. The other thing is the juxtaposition between the delicate lyrics and the voice belting them out. It could've ended up being a sledgehammer bashing flowers but it works so well.

Cold Chisel - Choir Girl -

Nightwish are a very popular band who straddle the line between heavy metal and being ultra attractive to emo kids. Personally I think they are a lot of fun and they add some interesting twists to the genre that they sit in. The use of instruments such as small pipes adds a lot of depth. They also aren't a band with a lead guitarist who has to have a big solo in every song. To be honest, it's mostly rhythm work thus leaving room for other cool stuff to happen.

Nightwish - Phantom of the Opera -

Ozzy Osbourne has sadly announced that he can no longer tour. His body won't cope. He can still sing though so it will be interesting to see what he comes up with. If you've seen him live or even just footage from a concert you'll see what he puts his body through. A serious back injury just hasn't recovered after four years despite a myriad of treatments. When I bought my first CD player in 1989 I chose two CDs to go along with it. One of them was Ozzy's live album, Tribute. It's still a great album and of course showcases his legendary guitarist, Randy Rhoads.The opening riff from the next track is the first real heavy metal thing I learned to play on the guitar.

Ozzy Osbourne - Crazy Train (live, 1981) -

Just over a year ago I was out to dinner with a group of friends and they asked me to come prepared with a song for them. At the time I had been feeling a bit despondent about life in general but this group had helped pick me up and keep me going. I definitely spent far too long choosing a song but in the end this is the one I had a go at. I could never do Glen's voice or guitar playing justice but it's such a beautiful song on many levels. I think I'll play it when I play in public again.

Glen Campbell - A Better Place -

You get two Don Walker songs in this episode. Bing introduced me to this tune and we played it live a few times. There's a lovely version by Missy Higgins too if you want to search it out. But I like the rough edges of Don's voice and the sound of the brushes on the drums.

Don Walker - The Way You Are Tonight -

Finally, The Boss. I was listening to the latest Bob Dylan album this week and somehow ended up back at Bruce's Nebraska album. That pointed me to one of his live compilation albums and this cool track. I'm a huge fan of the original and this is a lot of fun.

Bruce Springsteen - Stayin' Alive -

Rock on everyone,
The Woozle.

"And the road becomes my bride
I have stripped of all but pride
So in her I do confide
And she keeps me satisfied
Gives me all I need..."
Metallica, Wherever I May Roam, 1991.

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