Saturday, February 13, 2021

World Wide Woozle episode #543 - the final episode.

Hello out there in radioland. I've wanted to be a radio announcer since I was in my mid-teens and I usually think of this blog as the script to my own show. This show, however, has come to an end.

This blog started out as a small email distribution list back in early 2008 and after a while developed a life all of its own. DJ KOT encouraged me to put it up on the web as a blog and the rest is history. I wrote for many reasons. Initially it was because I wanted to share one cool song a week with some colleagues and friends. Then it morphed into a rambling and sometimes random mix of me recommending different artists, telling stories about my life and now and then being unable to contain my disappointment at the state of humanity.

To be totally honest with you, this blog both helped and hindered me during the years that I was suffering from very poor mental health. It helped in that I had a focus and an outlet as well as receiving some commentary from readers. When I was writing, without fail, on a weekly basis, the pressure was also enormous and self-imposed. These days I'm working hard to allow myself some space and latitude when it comes to life and that's why my writing has become sporadic.

So, this is the final show. And unlike George Lucas, I won't spoil my legacy with prequels or digital enhancements to classic episodes - ha ha! 

To those of you that have read what I've written and even listened to a few songs; thank you. To those who have taken the time to comment and engage with me as a result of what I wrote I can assure you that it was very much appreciated. I've been exposed to a huge range of music as a result of the kindness of a number of readers.

A couple of years ago now, my doctor and my psychologist put me on antidepressants. I'd steadfastly refused to consider them for many years and that was my mistake. What the pills did was level my thoughts out so that I could actually begin to work towards recovery. I've been off the medication for over six months now and, for the most part, the dreadful mental health issues haven't been a problem. Sure, it's a non-linear journey but I can safely say that I haven't felt this well in about eight years.

There you go; that's enough navel gazing from me.

I'm going to finish with the song I featured in episode #1 back in 2008. I chose it because I loved (and still adore) the guitar work and the way that Billy's spoken word lyrics fit in so well. Do me a favour, even if you rarely listen to the tracks that I suggest, give this one a spin.

Billy Bragg - Walk Away Renee (version) -

Rock on brothers and sisters,


"AM or FM, I listen to both of them,
Listening to the radio since I don't know when.
Everyone's so busy, everyone's got somewhere to go,
In the background there's always the radio..."

The Sports, Who Listens To The Radio?, 1979.

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