Sunday, November 29, 2020

World Wide Woozle episode #536

I'm still here folks. Just.

Yesterday I had a car accident and I don't do things by halves. The upshot is that my car may be written off and I have three broken ribs. And the other car involved was stolen! I had the joy of attendance by police, fire and ambulance and they were kind enough to take me off to hospital where I was imprisoned, poked, prodded and scanned for many hours before they let my mate Todd take me home. Look, not an experience I'd recommend but it is what it is.

On Friday night I played a few songs at the open mic night. It was the last one for the year but I do have a special set coming together for a New Year's Eve shindig. The support of a few people who read this blog as well as the crew at the open mic night has really helped me feel semi-confident about singing and playing by myself in public. And when a bar full of leather clad Veteran Motorcycle Club members clapped and sang along with a young woman (who had special needs) singing her heart out it wasn't me crying.

To tell you the truth, I'm pretty sore at the moment. Apart from the broken ribs I have excellent purple bruising on my hip and my chest is aching from the seatbelt. As a result I'm going to play you the songs that I played on Friday night with a brief commentary. That's about all my brain can cope with.

The first song I played was an easy one...on purpose. Get the nerves under control and the fingers working. I also really, really like the lyric, "hubcap, diamond star halo".

T-Rex - Get It On -

I played in a pub rock band years ago and this song was a favourite to play. Pretty funny for a tee-totaller...

Spy vs Spy - Hooligans -

The next song was a challenge with only one guitar and my dodgy vocals but it was fun nonetheless. Every chord in the verse is a seventh! I needed the trumpet though.

The Beatles - Sgt Pepper's / With A Little Help From My Friends -

I recorded a version of Wellington by The Mutton Birds a while ago. I went to primary school just up the road in Tawa and I have fond memories of the place. My Mum and my Brother live there too so the song has special meaning. Also, the song evokes strong memories of Wellington's fairly average weather!

The Mutton Birds - Wellington -

You heard this one last week and I was inspired to give it a bash. It's a fun song to play and the little bluesy guitar line is neat. I can confirm that you can substitute "Nikon" with "iPhone" and no one notices. Let's have some fun with it....

Dr Teeth and The Electric Mayhem - Kodachrome -

I started the set with glam rock so it made sense to finish with some as well....I wasn't sure whether the set would be folk music or glam rock. I think glam rock had it.

Slade - Cum On Feel The Noize -

There you go. It was fun.

Doc W; I got your message. Will call back when I'm more myself mate.

Rock on folks, I'm going to find some more painkillers.


"It's a song of the heart
A race in the wind
A light in the dark
That's freedom..." John Farhnam, That's Freedom, 1990.

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