Sunday, November 1, 2020

World Wide Woozle episode #533

Welcome back enormous listening world!

On Friday I had another crack at singing and playing at the Open Mic Night hosted by the Veterans' Motorcycle Club. And whilst it went really, really well I was so nervous that I completely forgot to play one of the songs I had prepared! Oh well, it can get an airing next time. It really is fantastic to have the opportunity to play live to a few people in an atmosphere that is very, very relaxed and supportive. These guys do heaps for the community at large. They're also keen to let anyone have a turn so if you're musically inclined or even just might try one song with a backing track you should come along.

So, I thought I'd play the songs here that I played on Friday night and try to explain why I chose them.

Some songs almost play themselves and Joelene is one of those for me. Since I learned to play a minor chord on the guitar I've been strumming this one. I don't really like The White Stripes version...too much screaming for me. What brought me back to this song was hearing Miley Cyrus sing it a few years ago. She has an amazing voice, a cracking band and she performed it with such conviction that I've listened to a bit of her work ever since. I managed to play this song in the wrong key on Friday night but it still seemed to work.

Miley Cyrus - Joelene -

In the early 90s I heard friends of mine play this song in their band. It was the first time I'd heard it and the swirling guitar lick at the start had me enthralled. Years later we played it a lot in Junk Sculpture. I chose it to play by myself because the vocal range isn't huge and I could fill out the sound with the guitar whilst still retaining that classic lick.

The Church - The Unguarded Moment -

When I was trying to choose songs DJ Bing suggested that I do a Billy Bragg number. That makes sense since I'm such a huge fan and Billy is a singer/songwriter. The problem is that I can play his tunes but I find them almost impossible to sing. And then I remembered this one. The lyrics were written by Woody Guthrie and the music by Billy Bragg and Wilco. Yes, I played this for you last week and maybe that's what made me think of it. Regardless, it's a simple song but it's a lot of fun.

Billy Bragg and Wilco - Way Over Yonder In The Minor Key -

And then I took a bit of a leap of faith. Last time around I listened to a Vietnam Veteran sing songs that he had written about his time there and subsequently. I figured that if he could sing a protest song then so could I. In my opinion it's just fine to be anti-war as long as you support the troops themselves. I learned this song from my Dad. I'm still alive so maybe no-one listened to the lyrics or perhaps they resonated.

Tom Paxton - Lyndon Johnson Told The Nation -

The final song that I played was one I'd written myself. It's very new and still a work in progress. You'll all be able to hear it before too long I hope. It seems that I write a decent song every thirty years or so!

Let me finish this week with a song I'd love to be able to play live. The Mutton Birds were a great New Zealand band but I've only been listening to them for a couple of years....late to the party. This track is beautiful and the overdriven guitar in the chorus with the light tremolo effect is just perfect.

The Mutton Birds - Anchor Me -

That'll do. It's been a busy weekend. Keep smiling...


"It's coming from the nor nor west
The endless eye warns
A hole in the sky mirrors
And the light that never never warms..." Radio Birdman, Hand of Law, 1977.

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