Sunday, January 19, 2025

World Wide Woozle episode #641

Hello groovers and welcome back.

First of all, the World Wide Woozle current listening playlist is completely updated and available for your listening pleasure. Click here to access it via Spotify. Spotify doesn't tell me if anyone actually listens to this but it keeps me amused for ages.

Secondly, as I mentioned last time around, I've started a series of new blog posts about albums that matter to me. Episode 1 is now online. I'm always interested in feedback and to hear if particular albums or songs resonate with you. This series won't be particularly regular but there are a few posts bubbling away on paper and in my brain so keep an eye out for links here and perhaps via Farcebook. To be honest, all you're going to get out of me on social media for the foreseeable future is music links and maybe a photo or two. I have successfully reduced my usage of Zuckerberg's Zombie Zone almost down to zero. This accompanies an increase in the amount of reading I'm doing.

On Friday night I was fortunate enough that my mate Steve invited me out to a gig. We headed to Smith's Alternative in town to see John Kennedy & The New Originals. All I knew about the band was what I could glean in a week of listening to a lot of their albums. The show was awesome. Imagine Elvis Costello mixed up with Wedding Parties Anything and The Go-Betweens (with a touch of The Johnnys) and you're in the ballpark. John's band included Phil Hall (Lime Spiders), Murray Cook (Soul Movers, The Wiggles) as well as Pete Timmerman (drums) and Matt Galvin (guitars). They were admittedly a bit rusty but that only showed on one or two brand new songs and they laughed it up and played on. I grabbed a signed copy of their latest (live) CD, Live At The Marrickville Bowl, and was disappointed that they didn't have other albums for sale. Great band, great fun and with the early slot at Smith's, I was home by about 2145hrs!

John Kennedy & The New Originals - Good To Be Here -

I've had a rough couple of weeks with my mental health. There's no rhyme or reason to it and that's such a frustrating thing. Then I twisted my knee while out bushwalking and it's been a bit sore. Cycling has been fine but I had to drastically cut back on my walking for a week and a bit. Boring! And just when I was at my lowest this song popped up via the YouTube algorithms. For once they got it right. This is a ripper and I'm sure you'll understand why. Good old Ringo!

Ringo Starr  - Look Up -

I can't top that song from Ringo so that'll do for this time around.

Keep smiling,
The Woozle

Never ever ever gonna drive so fast,
Never ever ever gonna smash the past,
Never ever ever gonna hide my face...

Soul Movers, You-Turn, 2024

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