Saturday, December 21, 2024

World Wide Woozle episode #638

Hello from World Wide Woozle HQ. As always, sincere thanks for tuning in.

Yesterday I finished work for the year. That was a solid month of slogging after returning from leave. I think it was rather well planned to now have a few days off. I'm pretty fortunate in that I really like my job and work with a great team.

King Stingray - Day Off -

King Diamond, who I saw live with DJ DJ at The Fillmore in Silver Springs, have a new single out. An album has been mentioned for many years and hopefully we'll see it soon. The band and stage set in the video here is exactly what we saw at the end of October. As is the norm, the band is tight, the guitars sound huge and you may or may not like King's vocal style. 

King Diamond - Spider Lilly -

I've played a track from this album before but feel compelled to go again. This is a band with a million different sounds. They genre hop non-stop and it's a hoot. Get your groove on with this one.

King Gizzard and The Lizard Wizard - Le Risque -

In Memphis, I took a walk up Beale Street. That's where this guy got his moniker and made a name for himself. Sure, it took U2 to bring his music to a whole new generation and a level of recognition that was well deserved, but BB definitely had the blues!

B.B. King - How Blue Can You Get (live 1985) -

In the mid 80s I discovered hard rock and heavy metal music. People come to classic music by any number of means and I eventually listened to Led Zeppelin as a result of the next band. Yes, yes, they are very derivative but they rocked hard and I still like it.

Kingdom Come - Get It On -

I went to quite a few music based exhibitions in the USA. It seemed as if this band was being talked about non-stop. So I found a gap in my listening and I'm plugging it now. I know a lot of the songs but nothing much about the group.

The Kingston Trio - M.T.A. -

Well that's enough for another episode, just a quick one. Next time you can "look forward" to the Woozle 2024 review and a bumper Chritsmas stocking size amount of listening. For now I'm going bushwalking, braving IKEA very briefly and then going to the airport to collect Angus and Em!

Keep smiling y'all. Surely someone has noticed the rough theme in this episode!

The Woozle

"When We Were Kings
Of our own time
We started young
And hoped to climb
But seasons change
And so did we
Now we long for what
We used to be..."
Stryper, When We Were Kings, 2024.

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