Thursday, December 1, 2022

World Wide Woozle episode #591

Hi everyone,

This episode will likely be a mixed bag. I recommend that you sit down, wear a helmet and possibly have a set of earplugs close by and an onion hanging from your belt. The Scout motto, "Be Prepared", is important to me for many reasons, but today I commend it to you.

Here's the Spotify link for a playlist of all the songs in this episode. Click here.

A couple of bands that I'm very keen on are coming to Australia soon. One, The Proclaimers, seem fit to play small and large venues through New Zealand but not to grace us with their presence here in Australia's national capital. I genuinely love their music. Yes, like almost everyone, my introduction to them was via 500 miles and the Sunshine on Leith album, but there is so much more. The Proclaimers write sad songs, funny songs, protest songs and all with Scottish music mixed up with their obvious love of country tunes as well as soul. The jury is still out on whether or not I'll drive the three hours to Sydney, pay for the show, accomodation and all the rest. But they are coming further than 500 miles so we'll just have to see what happens. I've played this song before and it's from their album, Angry Cyclist, released in 2018. I've written previously about how I often feel as if I don't have a home town. If I did, I'd love to be able to write a song like this about it. A song that shows a deep understanding and affection for a place. I guess I feel that way about Canberra most of the time. Anyway, please have a listen to this one.

The Proclaimers – Streets of Edinburgh –

The other band coming to Australia who I am very excited about is Stryper. I missed them last time and I've been disappointed ever since. I became a fan of theirs back in about 1986 when a school friend gave me two albums to take home and dub onto cassette. It was heavy metal with melody, harmonies and outrageous guitars and I loved it. Plenty of people are turned off by the lyrics, the band throwing Bibles into the audience and maybe the yellow and black spandex; I wasn't then and I'm not now. I remember reading a review by a well respected music journalist who reflected on how catchy the tunes and lyrics were when he caught himself singing them aloud and shocked his colleagues. They are here in March and I plan to be there. Stryper's new album sounds fantastic and they aren't slowing down with age.

Stryper – Same Old Story -

On Monday I will begin my new position at work. Permanent work has been my dream for a while now and here it is. As mentioned previously, it's been a long time since I've had a permanent job. What I have found interesting is the number of people who tell you not to worry whilst you work as a casual or contract worker. I'm sure that it's easy for some people but for me it's been close to five years of constant worry about how long my job will last. I guess it's one of those things that you can't understand if you're not there. I wrote last time about my reaction to being asked if I had been stressed. That's been my reaction to quite a few things recently. I've never been a big one for crying but the smallest things have me tearing up lately. I may have to stop watching TV, listening to country music and thinking too deeply for a while!

Bee Gees – I Started A Joke –

Angus and his partner, Georgia, visited last weekend. It was pretty awesome to see them but also to have someone come to stay at my new place. They were here for an all day music festival as well as to catch up with some friends. Seeing your kids grow up into adults is just the best. I'm sure that over the past few years I haven't been the best Dad but I've done my best despite my challenges. A&G saw some really groovy bands including one of my current favourites, King Stingray. DJ Guz was doing some sound monitoring outside the venue so I popped in on my bike to see him and I could hear the show quite well. Apparently 45,000 tickets were sold. This might explain the debacle that A&G experienced when trying to get the tram home.

Beddy Rays - On My Own -

Tom Petty's extended live album recorded at the Fillmore in 1997 is now available. The longest version has 58 tracks. Tom always reminds me of my mate Garry who passed away a number of years ago. He would have loved this live set with so many great originals as well as covers of songs that meant something to Tom and the band. Tom's laid back style is all through these recordings. He's a guy who made rock and roll sound even cooler than it already is.

Tom Petty & The Heartbreakers - Jammin' Me (live) –

I had a conversation today with a guy who is learning to play some jazz and blues guitar. He asked me what kind of music I played. Where do I start? Rock and roll, metal, blues, folk, Scottish, country, indie, goth….and the list goes on. It doesn't mean I do it all that well but playing the guitar keeps me grounded whether I play for myself, imagining I'm in front of a crowd, or with other people learning songs and having fun. I've played my acoustic guitar almost exclusively for a few years now but I think it's time to find an outlet for some louder stuff. I heard Randy Rhoads playing in the background of a TV show I was watching and remembered how much I really like his sound and approach. It's loud but full of dynamics. It's overdriven and has some great effects but each note is clear. And it always adds to the song.

Ozzy Osbourne – Mr. Crowley -

Zoe and her colleagues have voted to go on strike. It's a sad state of affairs when people have to take this kind of action in order to secure reasonable pay and conditions but kudos to her for standing up for what is just.

The Nightwatchman - The Road I Must Travel -

Finally, Wilko Johnson passed away recently. He was the guitarist for Dr. Feelgood as well as having fame later in life starring in Game of Thrones. Wilko's percussive approach to his Telecaster was very recognisable as were his stage moves. He was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer in 2012 but survived. Wilko recorded an album with Roger Daltrey from The Who in 2014 and I think it is possibly one of the greatest rock and roll records ever made. I'll play a track from it as well as one from Dr. Feelgood.

Wilko Johnson & Roger Daltrey - Going Back Home -

Dr. Feelgood - She Does It Right -

And that, boys and girls, is the end of another episode. 

Rock on,
The Woozle.

"The world is full of questions, they fill me with fear
What of our beginnings? Why are we here?
(And he's got it this time, yes!)
Is there a purpose? Is there a God?
But one question troubles me
Far more than this lot..."

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