Thursday, February 20, 2020

World Wide Woozle episode #500

500 is a lot of episodes. Even though I've slowed down my output in the last few years I'm still rather taken aback that I've sat down and written that many editions. What started as a small email list has grown into a blog and something that's been part of my life since 2008. Thank you everyone for humouring me for all this time. That being said, it's on with the show.

40 years ago today (February 20, 1980) the AC/DC singer, Bon Scott, died in London. I wasn't old enough to be aware of this at the time but the impact on the world of rock music remains significant. As a teen opening my ears and mind to different types of music, Bon and AC/DC quickly became my favourite band and they remain so to this day. Video footage of Bon Scott playing live reveals a man with a huge personality, a cheeky smile and the desire to entertain. He had a level of charisma that few singers can match in my opinion. It's a bit of a moot point to wonder what the band would've gone on to do if he hadn't died. I prefer to remember his legacy and to be thankful that there is plenty of recorded material to listen to and enjoy. 

AC/DC - Fling Thing / Rocker (live Glasgow, 1978) -

I was listening to AC/DC all day today via Spotify (my CDs are all packed away in boxes for now). I must admit that it's disconcerting to have albums listed there with tracks in the "wrong" order. The US and UK releases are different enough pre-1978 to make them sound a bit weird. Anyway, the songs are all still there and it didn't take me long to put them into playlists in the order they were originally released here in Australia.

Last week at work one of my colleagues was playing the album that the next track is from. It's easy these days with overblown multimedia concert presentations to forget how good a live band U2 were (they probably still are). The album Live Under A Blood Red Sky has always been one I've enjoyed. If you do search out a hard copy then spend the time getting an original pressing rather than the re-released one...they are different. It's only one track but it made a difference to me as I certainly noticed the omission of Bono singing an excerpt from Send In The Clowns. Regardless, it's a great live album.

U2 - Gloria (live Red Rocks, 1983) -

DJ DJ and I headed to The Manning Bar at the University of Sydney a couple of weeks ago so see Geoff Tate and his band play. This was the 30th Anniversary show as a tribute to the album, Operation: Mindcrime, that Geoff recorded as a member of the American progressive metal band, Queensryche. Firstly, Sydney was rather warm and brutally humid. After a rather mind expanding visit to the Museum of Contemporary Art in the afternoon we walked about 5 minutes from our accomodation to the gig. There were two support bands, Temptris and Darker Half. I always try and turn up for the support bands as I have some insight into what a difficult job it can be, Temptris played first and their brand of melodic heavy metal was well suited to supporting Tate. Vocalist, Genevieve has a very powerful voice with a great range. It was clear that she's spent plenty of time working on it as it didn't waiver through the whole set. I really enjoyed this band and would definitely go and see them again. They had plenty of guitar histrionics, a solid rhythm section and decent songs. Temptris also had great crowd support. More about the crowd later. Darker Half were interesting; a bit of a cross between Dio and Dragonforce. They were let down by a very slow changeover between bands. Temptris had warmed everyone up well but that energy could only last so long. When Darker Half did get started they were obviously well rehearsed and had a vocalist who improved greatly as the gig went on. When he hit his straps later in the set it was great. So often I hear metal bands who all play well but the vocals are the weak link. This was not the case with either support band. Look, the truth is I really wanted to like Darker Half but there was something just not clicking for me. They sounded great and on CD I think I'd be pretty happy, but visually they were a bit all over the place. They just didn't look like they were a band. It's hard to put my finger on but some of them looked like they should have been playing in any metal band whilst a couple were dressed for the pub. It's a small thing but it just niggled.

Darker Half - Aliens Exist -

Geoff Tate had a band of young guys none of who would've been born when Operation: Mindcrime was released. Nevertheless, they were really, really, really good. The guitars and bass sounded and felt great and the drummer was all hair and arms moving at a million miles per hour. Importantly for this show, the backing vocals were also of high quality. Geoff Tate's voice is pretty good considering his age. He couldn't hit all the high notes but for the most part it didn't matter. What he did show though, was a genuine joy at being there, interacting with the crowd, and rocking out. It was great to see him work so hard and get so much love back from the crowd. Now; the crowd. Metal crowds are predominantly made up of men wearing black t-shirts who like very loud and often aggressive music. Let me say this however, if you're in the crowd, regardless of your sex, colour, size or anything else; you're part of the event. This gig reminded me how very cool metalheads are to one another. I had an in-depth conversation with the guy standing next to me (who I had never met) all about music and the support bands since he knew a lot about them. It was cool. All in all it was a great gig and I was pretty lucky to get to spend some time with one of my oldest friends into the bargain.

Queensryche - Revolution Calling -

Jason Isbell and the 400 Unit have a new single now available. The album that it comes from will hit the shelves and streaming services on May 15 which seems a very long time to wait. I've been listening to Jason's music quite a lot lately. He has the great talent of making each song sound as if he's singing about himself.

Jason Isbell and the 400 Unit - Be Afraid -

John Moreland has a voice that makes me want to keep listening. Add to that his guitar work and songwriting prowess and I'm shocked that he isn't a bigger name. NPR describes John's style as "singer-songwriter-confessional". That seems about right. Thanks to Karen for alerting me to his new record. It's on the playlist right now.

John Moreland - East October -

In what's big news for me, I'm getting back into swimming. After swimming a LOT as a kid and then even more for years as a triathlete I gave it away around 7 years ago. The time is right though and tomorrow I'm sure my cyclist's chicken arms will wonder what I'm trying to do to them! I imagine that I won't be starting with a 4000m session.

KISS - Shock Me (live 1977) -

I was reminded, watching last week's gig by K4L, how much I like Bruce Springsteen's 2007 album, Magic. As a result I went on a bit of a YouTube expedition looking for live versions of some tracks from it. As chance would have it, I stumbled across this next version which is a cover. However, it's a ripper right down to the singer getting the accent right which I assume is no mean feat if English isn't your first language. Anyway, this is a cool song and I hope you'll indulge me given that it isn't actually Bruce.

Cover Me - Girls In Their Summer Clothes (live 2018) -

Last week I played some guitar with my friend Ken who sings really, really well. He puts my guitar work to shame. Anyway, it might develop into a gig sometime soon; fingers crossed. I'm busy getting calluses back on my fingertips and trying to remember how to play a whole heap of songs whilst learning some new ones. This might get a run. Some of you may know the Johnny Cash version but this is the original.

Tom Paxton - Can't Help But Wonder Where I'm Bound -

Well there you go. 500 episodes done and dusted. I think I'll keep going for a while longer. Originally the emails only had one song in them. Let's finish this time with the first song I shared with what was an unsuspecting audience.

Billy Bragg - Walk Away Renee (version) -

Rock on brothers and sisters, and thank you.


"Just let me hide my weary heart in you
My old friend the blues." , My Old Friend The Blues,Steve Earle, 1986.

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