Monday, October 7, 2019

World Wide Woozle episode #490

So, what have I learned since the last time I posted something here in the blog (September 6th)? I've learned that you can't work full-time, study part-time, sell a house AND write a blog regularly. I just ran out of time and energy. The semester at university has finished though so here I am.

Back In The High Life Again - Warren Zevon -


Firstly, Kris Kristofferson. I was lucky enough to benefit  from the fact that one of my work colleagues was unwell and couldn't attend the concert. She gave me her ticket and I had an amazing evening. Not only was I in the middle of the theatre, in the fifth row, but the concert was sublime. Kris, at 83, sounds better live than he does on most recordings. His band, borrowed from Merle Haggard, were effortless and amazing. Kris played for an hour and forty-five minutes with a fifteen minute break. I also really appreciated the fact that he started dead on 7:30pm! Great to be home early on a school night ha ha!


Kris Kristofferson – The Pilgrim, Chapter 33 -


You all know that I enjoy looking for new rock music acts, or ones that I've not heard before. This week American band, Dirty Honey popped up in my feed. A couple of listens to their eight song EP had me hooked. Props to DJ DJ who very rightly thinks that they sound a bit like Australian group Baby Animals – they do. I can't wait for a full album release.


Dirty Honey – Rolling 7s -


The Beatles…remember them? The Abbey Road album has been given the super deluxe treatment with a re-mix and release including demos etc. Sgt Pepper's was great, the White Album was fabulous and this one takes the cake in my opinion. Wow! I haven't had the pleasure of listening to it in surround sound yet but the stereo mixes, through headphones, are nothing short of magnificent. The clarity and emotion in the recordings is so much better than I remembered. The demos and outtakes are worth a listen: it's not just people talking and fiddling around. "The Ballad of John and Yoko", recorded during the Abbey Road sessions, is particularly good with John telling Paul, who is playing drums, to "go a bit faster Ringo". I've chosen the next song not only because it is one of my favourites but because the new video clip is really well made.


The Beatles – Here Comes The Sun (2019 mix) –


The Cult's 1989 album, Sonic Temple, is one of my all-time favourites.  It's not in my top 10 but it's close. Scarily enough it's 30 years old and as such has been given a re-release. Here's the thing though, it's not remastered or remixed. Yes, you get the original album along with a whole slew of demo and live recordings but the original stays as it is. I listened back to it and the truth is it still sounds great. For fans of The Cult who are more attracted to their Goth and New Wave influences this isn't the album for you. If a great hard rock album is what you're looking for then Sonic Temple ticks that box.


The Cult – Sweet Soul Sister –


Earlier I mentioned the Baby Animals. Years ago their first release appeared on a single along with Aussie legends, The Angels. Fast forward to 2019 and the two bands have done the same albeit this time with each band recording one classic song from the other. The Angels make an attempt at "One Word" which I think falls a little flat. It's not bad at all, it's just not very alive. In comparison, Baby Animals make a good fist of "Marseille". There is a tour coming so keep an eye out.


Baby Animals – Marseille –


Album 40/100 – Van Morrison – Moondance (1970)


This album was better than I expected. There's never any denying the quality of Van's voice and this group of songs (rock, pop and soul) showcase it well. I don't really have much to say about this record other than you should give it a try. I did and it will be on my playlist for quite a while to come and it has encouraged me to try more of his music.

Van Morrison - And It Stoned Me (live 1980) -

One of my friends, DJ GreySeal, is in Scotland at the moment. He mentioned a couple of bands that he was listening to and it occurred to me that I hadn't listened to all that much of one of them. Mogwai, from Glasgow, are that band and I'm planning to spend some time with their music. Some people describe them as being "post-rock", whatever that means. I'm not sure but if you like the spacier side of Pink Floyd then this might appeal to you.

Mogwai - Don't Believe The Fife (live) -

Whilst packing up our house I came across the cover for the first demo recording I played on. We recorded it in 1991 and the band I was in was called Mr Walker (the Phantom's real name). Somewhere I have the master cassette of the mixdown that we made from the 4-track recording. I'll get around to putting a couple of tracks on YouTube sometime. Engineered by DJ DJ, I remember one of the main challenges being to convince the other guitarist that he didn't need to use so many effects on his guitar sound. Once he worked that out it was great. Of course, recording drums, two guitars, bass, vocals, backing vocals and sometimes saxophone onto 4-tracks wasn't easy. DJ DJ managed to mix what was essentially a live performance into a coherent 4 tracks for us to use; all without being in a soundproof booth whilst recording! Anyway, I'll get the songs available soon but what it did remind me of was the fact that for every gig we ever played, this was the first song.

Georgia Satellites - Hippy Hippy Shake -

I think that should be enough music for a while. Hopefully I'll be back again on Friday with more tunes for you. I'll leave you with a track from Joe Elliott's (from Def Leppard) side project, Down 'N' Outz. This is their tribute to David Bowie and it's a ripper. If Bowie and Mott The Hoople style music are your thing then you'll love this band,

Down 'N' Outz - Goodbye Mr Jones -


"'s been a long time since I rock and rolled..." Rock and Roll, Led Zeppelin, 1971.

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