Friday, July 6, 2018

World Wide Woozle episode #445

Twice in one week? Well the last episode was late so this is me getting back on schedule.

As I've already given you all some new tunes in episode #444 the decision has been taken to have a bit of a theme this time around. Management has been consulted and it's full steam ahead. Seatbelts on please and no fighting in the backseat or you're walking home.

The majority of you are still with me after over 400 episodes because either you really like music or you can't work out how to unsubscribe! For the music lovers, this week is a driving mixtape. These are some of the tracks that I love to listen to in the car. 

The first track is actually about driving. Here's Sammy Hagar (pre-Van Halen) doing what he does best and that's singing catchy hard rock. I first heard this song on Van Halen's "Live Without A Net" live convert video but this is the original version. If you like Sammy then don't forget that he made some excellent albums recently with his band Chickenfoot which features Michael Anthony (ex-Van Halen) on bass, Joe Satriani on guitar and Chad Smith (Chilli Peppers) on drums.

Sammy Hagar - I Can't Drive 55 -

Somewhere in the 1908s Cold Chisel put out a compilation album called, "Razor Songs". It was fantastic and really showcased the power that the band had in a live setting. I've always preferred it to the "Radio Songs" compilation which was really greatest hits. Anyway, I almost chose "Merry Go Round" but I really couldn't go past the raw power of Chisel ripping into this old standard. Lots of bands try this song and few do it justice. 

Cold Chisel - Wild Thing (live 1979) -

"Eddie and The Cruisers" is one of my favourite films and it has a cracking soundtrack. Set in the 60s, the movie follows the rise and fall of a fictional rock and roll band. In my opinion it's right up there with "The Commitments" as one of the best music movies ever made.

Eddie and The Cruisers - On The Dark Side -

In the 80s, big cassette players were the coolest thing. That, and batteries to run them! My friend Pinky had one of the best as well as an awesome music collection. This is one band that he turned me onto at a Scout camp we were at. This is such a great song and it never fails to take me back in time to a dusty campsite! 

Talking Heads - And She Was -

I'm a little bit stuck in the 80s I know but I'll remedy that shortly. Before I do a track from a band who had a knack of writing anthemic choruses. I saw them live once and they were horrid. What a disappointment!

Boom Crash Opera - Dancing In The Storm -

If I'm being totally honest then this is one track that gets played pretty much the most when I'm on my own in the car. I saw this band live in 1988 with my Dad and it certainly changed the way I thought about my musical heritage. "Forward with Scotland's past..."

Battlefield Band - The Roving Dies Hard -

Coheed and Cambria are a much under appreciated band. OK, their lyrics are sometime impenetrable but they write memorable guitar lines and perform with such passion. If you like prog, metal and/or sci fi then you really should spend a lot of time with this group.

Coheed and Cambria - Welcome Home -

I've been a Johnny Cash fan for a long time now; since my days playing gothabilly with Dark Violence of Beauty. One day I hope to coax Scot out of retirement to do a Cash tribute. For me, Johnny is the quintessential singer/songwriter. He covers a wide range of topics with a brutal honesty and the eye of someone who is a close watcher of people.

Johnny Cash - Cocaine Blues -

Judas Priest put out an album earlier this year, their 18th. It's essential listening for all metal fans in my opinion. Plenty of "old" bands are still touring and recording but few of them have managed to come up with an album as good as this. I don't think there's a dud track and they put their hearts and souls into it. This is the track I like most in the car.

Judas Priest - Never The Heroes -

Luke Yeoward was the singer for King Cannons. He now runs his own studio in Melbourne. This is a very recent release from him but I have it cued up on a Spotify playlist for regular listening. One for lovers of ska, reggae and roots music all presented with an antipodean angle. 

Luke Yeoward - Soapbox -

H was responsible for me listening to Morrissey. Previously I'd had little interest in him and his shenanigans (Morrissey, not George!) The album, "You Are The Quarry" is now a regular listen for me. I don't remember living in England as a wee boy but the lyrics of artists like Morrissey make me glad I don't! This is a moody track but it's great to sing along to.

Morrissey - Come Back to Camden -

There you go. That's about one side of a mix-tape for the car. Feel free to let me know your favourite driving tunes. I'll come back later on and programme Side B for you as well!

Have a great weekend. It's meant to be cold and wet here so I might head into the studio with my guitar to see what I can come up with.

Rock on brothers and sisters,


Wait....there's a few minutes left on this side of the cassette. Here's an extra track. It's awesome.

1 comment:

  1. Wild Thing is awesome... much more powerful than the Last Stand version. A big fan of dancing in the storm, too.
