Sunday, February 4, 2018

World Wide Woozle episode #435

I debated for a while whether or not I would write about Australia Day. I fact it delayed this episode significantly. In the end I've chosen to say this; my opinion is that January 26th as a celebration of our nation doesn't work for me. It disrespects the traditional inhabitants of this land and ignores the fact that our nation wasn't formed then anyway. What are we celebrating? The setting up of the penal colony of New South Wales, the start of injustices against the Indigenous people of Australia? That's not for me.

What I'd like to see is a recognition that Australia, whilst not perfect by any means, is a wonderful country. We've got the chance to come together and recognise what we're good at. Being positive is OK, in fact it's healthy. That doesn't mean that we're ignoring past or present issues either. Let's just choose a better date and get on with being Australian...all of us. If you disagree that's fine as long as you've had a decent think about it and made an effort to look past the media (who just want to sell sensationalism) and the politicians (who generally are only interested in themselves).

Midnight Oil - One Country -

My listening journey into progressive rock (aka prog) continues. Last week I spent a lot of time listening to a band/artist called Phideaux. They call themselves an, "art rock band that specialises in melodic. eclectic music". That sounds like a fair description. I found bits of the music quite atmospheric alongside some cool rhythms and sounds. It's far from boring and not at all impenetrable. I wouldn't say that Phideaux are commercial but their music has elements that should appeal to most people. If you know a few Pink Floyd songs and like them then give this a spin.

Phideaux - Helix -

Chris de Burgh's song, "Don't Pay The Ferryman" is a classic. Back in the day, DJ SAB wanted us to record a grungy punk version but for whatever reason we didn't get around to it. I found a couple of newer versions last week and enjoyed them both. The one here is from British group, Lionheart. The band is made of up of blokes who were all previously members of outfits prominent in the New Wave of British Heavy Metal in the late 70s and early 80s. Personally I think it looks and sounds like they're having a hell of of a lot of fun!

Lionheart - Don't Pay The Ferryman  -

Lionheart's record company aren't doing them any favours however. The album isn't on Spotify and it's pretty tricky to track down a physical copy to buy. Hopefully at least one of those is rectified soon.

I was doing some reading about Star Wars recently and the issue of its influence on popular culture in general was being discussed. This next video was mentioned so I gave it a spin. Oh wow, it's an hilarious clip but I'll admit that I'd forgotten how cool the song itself was. Great hook!

Billy Ocean - Loverboy -

ABBA are much loved in Australia, maybe more than anywhere than their homeland. This week I happened to throw a double CD of their greatest hits into my playlist. I remember my Mum being a fan of a few tracks so the band has always been rolling around in the back of my head. ABBA are so overplayed and cliched here that, along with the regular TV specials, we tend to get a bit desensitised to just how amazing they were. Spin these tracks boys and girls and remember that there's no digital trickery and no auto tune. Just great songwriting and performances.

ABBA - Take A Chance On Me -

ABBA - Super Trouper (live 1981) -

Concept albums are very hit and miss. For every success such as Pink Floyd's, "The Wall" or Queensryche's, "Operation Mindcrime" there are a heap that fall very, very flat. W.A.S.P. recorded "The Crimson Idol" over three years with eventual release in 1993. Essentially it was a Blackie Lawless solo album that was put out under the W.A.S.P. name. Regardless, I've always thought it was rather good and it works with a storyline throughout. Well, it's just been re-recorded and released. I've had a quick listen to the new version and it sounds really good so I'm playing  a track this week. Blackie continues to have an amazingly strong voice and the production is top notch. I think that there is some kind of DVD coming with the album so I'll review that in due course.

W.A.S.P. - Chainsaw Charlie (Murders in the New Morgue) -

Rick Springfield's new track "In The Land Of The Blind" certainly surprised me. I guess I was expecting straight ahead rock and roll with a decent hook. What I got was a country, Keith Urban style song with lyrics that Neil Young would be proud of. Rick's Australian but obviously quite impacted by living in the USA and politics there. Well worth a few listens and I hope the album is as strong as this.

Rick Springfield - In The Land Of The Blind -

Lastly; titans of thrash metal, Slayer, are touring the world and then calling it a day. That's not a bad effort for a band formed in 1981! Their influence on heavy metal is without question and their refusal to change their sound and attitude is legendary. Slayer play hard, fast, aggressive, loud metal and they are the kings of the genre. I'm hoping that they manage to make it to Australia so that I can go along and pay my respects.

Slayer - War Ensemble -

I think that's enough for this episode. Next time we'll probably have a review of the new Judas Priest single (released yesterday), a 60s folk classic I'm working on covering, Metallica re-release news and maybe I'll tell you all about my rather exciting career change.

Hoo roo,

"...put your makeup on and get your hair done pretty..." - Atlantic City (Springsteen cover) - Jason Isbell and the 400 Unit (2017)

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